Kindly read the points below to know about our responsibilities, limitations, and operations. is responsible for:
We are responsible for the content that you read on our website like introduction, company profiles, available jobs, salary and benefits and everything that is available on our website. However, we are not responsible for the content that you find on other parties’ websites.
Disclaimer regarding third party information:
If you find any kind of corrupt, fraudulent, incomplete, bad or inactive information on third parties’ websites then we are not responsible for it. Obviously, third parties have their own websites, privacy policies, disclaimers, websites, and everything. We are not directly or indirectly associated with any job providing company.
Change on third party’s website’s content:
Third-party has all the rights over their content. If they change anything on their website, page, link or whatsoever then is not responsible for it. is not associated with any third party for any change in its content. We are not answerable about any change.
Change in Content: has all the rights to change, edit or delete the content present on our website. We have proper rights toward our activities and content. We can do it without informing our visitors via phone call, email or any other means.
Ownership of the logos, names of the companies and trademarks of third parties:
Names, logos, and trademarks of the third parties solely belong to them and we are not associated with them.
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Updating on
If we delete, change or edit anything on our website then we have all the rights to post them on our website without informing our visitors.
For contact:
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